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Average Data

Use this component to select the data out of an annual hourly data stream (from the importEPW component) using the "Analysis Period" component.
This componenent also averages or totals the connected hourly data for each day, month, and average hour of each month in the analysis period.


Annual Hourly Data_annualHourlyDataAn hourly data stream from the "Import epw" component.Goo
Analysis Period_analysisPeriod_The "analysisPeriod" Output from "Analysis Period" component. If no input is provided, the default analysis period is set to the whole year.Goo
Total Or AveragetotalOrAverage_Set to 'True' to have the component total the values for the given periods and set to 'False' to have the component average them. The default is set to 'False' to average data.Goo


Read Me!readMe!A text confirmation of the analysis period.String
Sel Hourly DataselHourlyDataThe hourly data stream for the analysis period.Goo
Averaged DailyaveragedDailyThe averaged data for each day during the analysis period.Goo
Averaged MonthlyaveragedMonthlyThe averaged data for each month during the analysis period.Goo
Avr Monthly Per HouravrMonthlyPerHourThe data for the average hour of each month during the analysis period.Goo
Avr Monthly Min Per HouravrMonthlyMinPerHourThe data for the max average hour of each month during the analysis period.Goo
Avr Monthly Max Per HouravrMonthlyMaxPerHourThe data for the min average hour of each month during the analysis period.Goo

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