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Use this component to calculate the day of the year and hour of the year from an input date with a day of the month, month of the year and hour of the day.


Days_days_A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 31 that represents the day(s) of the month.Goo
Months_months_A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 12 that represents the month(s) of the year.Goo
Hours_hours_A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 24 that represents the hour(s) of the day.Goo


HOYHOYThe hour of the year on which the input date and time fall.Goo
DOYDOYThe day of the year on which the input date falls.Goo
DatedateThe input information written out as a full date and time text string.Goo

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