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ENVI-Met Spaces

Use this component to generate ENVI-Met v4.0 3D geometry models.
Analyze parametric models with ENVI-Met!
Save the model in the ENVI_MET Workspace, set the simulation file with ENVI_MET ConfigWizard and run the simulation.
N.B. It can write files with equidistant grid only. If you want to visualize INX file with ENVI_MET SPACES you need to use "Open 3D view".


Location_locationThe output from the importEPW or constructLocation component. This is essentially a list of text summarizing a location on the earth.Goo
North_north_Input a number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. The default North direction is set to the Y-axis (0 degrees).Goo
Base PointbasePoint_Input a point here to move ENVI-Met grid. If no input is provided it will be origin point.Goo
Num X_numX_Number of grid cells in base plane x direction. Default value is 20.Goo
Num Y_numY_Number of grid cells in base plane y direction. Default value is 20.Goo
Num Z_numZ_Number of grid cells in base plane z direction. Default value is 20.Goo
Dim X_dimX_Size of grid cell in meter. Default value is 3.0.Goo
Dim Y_dimY_Size of grid cell in meter. Default value is 3.0.Goo
Dim Z_dimZ_Size of grid cell in meter. Default value is 3.0.Goo
Base SoilmaterialbaseSoilmaterial_Connect a profileId that you want to use as base material of soil. If no id is provided it will be 'LO'.Goo
Num Nesting GridnumNestingGrid_Connect an integer to set nesting grid around main area. If no input is connected this will be 3.Goo
Nesting Grid SoilnestingGridSoil_Connect two envimet ID soils to set soil profile for nesting grids. Use "LB ENVI-Met Read Library" for that. - If no input is connected this input will be ('LO', 'LO').Goo
----------------------------------------Script input ------------------.Goo
Envimet Buildings_envimetBuildingsOutput which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Building Terrain".Goo
Envimet TerrainenvimetTerrain_Output which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Building Terrain".Goo
Envimet PlantsenvimetPlants_Output which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Soil Plant Source".Goo
Envimet SoilsenvimetSoils_Output which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Soil Plant Source".Goo
Envimet SourcesenvimetSources_Output which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Soil Plant Source".Goo
----------------------------------------Script variable ENVI-SpacesGoo
Folder_folderThe folder into which you would like to write the envimet model. This should be a complete file path to the folder.Goo
File NamefileName_The file name that you would like the envimet model to be saved as. Default name is "LBenvimet".Goo
Run It_runItSet to "True" to run the component and generate the envimet model.Goo


PointspointsPreview of 3D grid of points.Goo
INXfile AddressINXfileAddressThe file path of the inx result file that has been generated on your machine.Goo

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