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ENVI-Met Soil Plant Source

Use this component to generate ENVI-Met inputs for "LB ENVI-Met Spaces".
Some 'plant3Did_' could not work properly.


Base PointbasePoint_Input a point here to move ENVI-Met grid. If no input is provided it will be origin point.Goo
Soil_soil_Geometry that represent ENVI-Met soil. Geometry must be a Surface or Brep on xy plane.Goo
Plant2D_plant2D_Geometry that represent ENVI-Met plant 2d. Geometry must be a Surface or Brep on xy plane.Goo
Plant3D_plant3D_Geometry that represent ENVI-Met plant 3d. Geometry must be a Surface or Brep on xy plane.Goo
Source_source_Geometry that represent ENVI-Met plant 3d. Geometry must be a Surface or Brep on xy plane.Goo
Soil Id_soilId_ENVI-Met profile id. You can use "id outputs" which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Read Library". - E.g. L0Goo
Plant Id_plantId_ENVI-Met plant id. You can use "id outputs" which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Read Library". - E.g. XXGoo
Plant3Did_plant3Did_ENVI-Met plant3D id. You can use "id outputs" which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Read Library". - E.g. PI,.Pinus PineaGoo
Source Id_sourceId_ENVI-Met source id. You can use "id outputs" which comes from "LB ENVI-Met Read Library". - E.g. FTGoo


Envimet PlantsenvimetPlantsConnect this output to "ENVI-Met Spaces" in order to add plants to ENVI-Met model.Goo
Envimet SoilsenvimetSoilsConnect this output to "ENVI-Met Spaces" in order to add soils to ENVI-Met model.Goo
Envimet SourcesenvimetSourcesConnect this output to "ENVI-Met Spaces" in order to add sources to ENVI-Met model.Goo

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