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ENVI-Met Building Terrain

Use this component to generate inputs for "LB ENVI-Met Spaces".
Sometimes some buildings are not generated when you connect terrain input. Try to move buildings or move the terrain to solve this issue.


Buildings_buildingsGeometry that represent ENVI-Met buildings. - Geometry must be closed Brep/Breps. - Try to connect "threeDeeShapes" output of "Gismo" (a plugin for GIS environmental analysis).Goo
Terrainterrain_Optional geometry that represent ENVI-Met terrain. Geometry must be the output of "LB Terrain Generator".Goo
Default Materialsld_defaultMaterialsld_Default wall/roof property. Use this input to set default building materials. - If no input is connected this input will be concrete slab/roofing tile (00, R1).Goo
Wall Materials IdwallMaterialsId_Use this input to change wall materials.Goo
Roof Materials IdroofMaterialsId_Use this input to change roof materials.Goo
Run It_runItSet to "True" to run the component and generate envimetBuildings and envimetTerrain.Goo


Envimet BuildingsenvimetBuildingsConnect this output to "ENVI-Met Spaces" in order to add buildings to ENVI-Met model.Goo
Envimet TerrainenvimetTerrainConnect this output to "ENVI-Met Spaces" in order to add a terrain to ENVI-Met model.Goo

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