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Create LB Header

Use this component to generates a Ladybug Header that can be combined with any raw data in order to format it for use with the Ladybug/Honeybee components.
This component is particularly useful if you are bringing in data from other plugins or from instrumental measurements and you want to visualize it or analyze it with the Ladybug and Honeybee components. It is also useful if you want to replace the header on Ladybug data.


Locationlocation_A text string that represents the name of the location where the data was collected. If no value is connected here, the default will be "Somewhere."Goo
Data TypedataType_A text string that represents the type of data that the header corresponds to. This can be "Temperature", "Wind", etc. If no value is connected here, the default will be "Some Data."Goo
Unitsunits_A text string that represents the units of the data. This can be "C", "m/s", etc. If no value is connected here, the default will be "Some Units."Goo
Time SteptimeStep_A text string that represents the time step of the data. Acceptable values include "Hourly", "Daily", "Monthly", or "Annually." If no value is connected here, the default will be "Hourly."Goo
Analysis PeriodanalysisPeriod_An optional analysis period from the Analysis Period component. If no analysis period is given, the default will be for the enitre year: (1,1,1)(12,31,24).Goo
Raw DatarawData_A list of data that you want to add/modify Ladybug HeaderGoo


LBHeaderLBHeaderScript variable PythonGoo
Data With HeaderdataWithHeaderA list of data with added/modified Ladybug headerGoo

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