Surface Or Pergola | _SurfaceOrPergola_ | 0= Device optimised for period, will give the horizontal or tilted surface over the top of the window, or the cut profile device on a provided shading surface. 1= Pergola with fins. Default is 0. | Goo |
Window | _window | A Surface or Brep representing a window to be used for shading design. This can also be a list of Surfaces of Breps. | Goo |
Num Of Shds | _numOfShds_ | The number of shades to generated for each glazed surface. | Goo |
Udiv | _udiv_ | Number of row divisions of the window. Used for choosing the lower and higher rows you want to protect. Default is 1. | Goo |
Sun Vectors | _sunVectors | Output of Ladybug sunPath component. | Goo |
Context | context_ | Breps/surfaces that you want to account for as blocking objects. | Goo |
Shade Surface | shadeSurface_ | An optional shade surface representing a 2D area under consideration for shading. | Goo |
--------------- | --------------- | --------------- | Goo |
Shd Srf Angle | _shdSrfAngle_ | In case NO shadeSurface is provided a plane over the window will be used as base for the calculation. In this case you can provide the angle of this plane. Default is 0.0. | Goo |
Shd Srf Shift | _shdSrfShift_ | In case NO shadeSurface is provided a plane over the window will be used as base for the calculation. In this case you can provide a shift distance from top of the window. Default is 0.01 | Goo |
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--------------- | --------------- | --------------- | Goo |
Delaunay Height | _delaunayHeight_ | Distance from base curve and top intersection points. Used by the Delauney Mesh component. Default is 5. | Goo |
Offset Factor | _offsetFactor_ | VERY important input!! The offset factor for the ConvexHull curve. Will be used for the Delauneay mesh. Default is 40. | Goo |
Cull Res | _cullRes_ | Resolution for culling points. 0=Don't cull, 1= Regular cull, 2= Cull a lot. Check the final surface for quality of results, 3= Extreme cull. Be carefull with the results. Default is 1. | Goo |