Location | _location | The output from the importEPW or constructLocation component. This is essentially a list of text summarizing a location on the earth. | Goo |
Tau Beam | _tauBeam | Values representing the optical sky depth for beam (direct) solar radiation. Optical depth is the natural logarithm of the ratio of incident to transmitted radiant power through the atmosphere. It can vary from month to month as water vapor concentrations in the atmosphere change. This input can be either a single value for the whole year, a list of 12 monthly values, or the output from the "Ladybug_Import stat" component. Typical values range from 0.3 in cool dry months to 0.65 in warm humid months. | Goo |
Tau Diffuse | _tauDiffuse | Values representing the optical sky depth for diffuse solar radiation. Optical depth is the natural logarithm of the ratio of incident to transmitted radiant power through the atmosphere. It can vary from month to month as water vapor concentrations in the atmosphere change. This input can be either a single value for the whole year, a list of 12 monthly values, or the output from the "Ladybug_Import stat" component. Typical values range from 1.75 in warm humid months to 2.5 in cool dry months. | Goo |
Sky Density | _skyDensity_ | Set to 0 to generate a Tregenza sky, which will divide up the sky dome with a coarse density of 145 sky patches. Set to 1 to generate a Reinhart sky, which will divide up the sky dome using a very fine density of 580 sky patches. Note that, while the Reinhart sky is more accurate, it will result in considerably longer calculation times. Accordingly, the default is set to 0 for a Tregenza sky. | Goo |
Working Dir | workingDir_ | An optional working directory in your system where the sky will be generated. Default is set to C:\Ladybug or C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug. The latter is used if you cannot write to the C:\ drive of your computer. Any valid file path location can be connected. | Goo |
Use Old Res | useOldRes_ | Set this to "True" if you have already run this component previously and you want to use the already-generated data for this weather file. | Goo |
Gen Cum Sky | genCumSky_ | Set to 'True' to have this component generate a cumulative sky matrix for the design day sky. This can then be used in Ladybug solar radiation studies and visualized with the "Ladybug_Sky Dome" or "Ladybug_Radiation Rose." | Goo |