Test Pt | _testPt | A view point for which one wants to see the portion of the sky masked by the context geometry surrounding this point. | Goo |
Context | _context | Context geometry surrounding the _testPt that could block the view to the sky. Geometry must be a Brep or list of Breps. You are also advised to provide surfaces instead of solid objects. Providing surfces will make the calculation faster and accurate. So if you are using this component to check the percent of sky visible from a courtyard, please only provide surfaces immediate to the couryard and the not the whole building as a brep. | Goo |
Sky Density | skyDensity_ | An integer, that is greater than or equal to 0. This value is used to generate test points on skyDome. from which the maskedSky surfaces are derived. The default value is set to 1. Incresing this value will increase the calculation time. You are adviced to increase this number only if you are trying to analyze too many shading surfaces. | Goo |
Radius | radius_ | A float, that controls the radius of skyDome. | Goo |
Merge | merge_ | A boolean. Set it to True to merge maskedSky surfaces | Goo |