Source Srfs | _sourceSrfs | A brep or mesh representing a surface that you are interested in seeing direct sunlight bounce off of. You can also put in lists of breps or meshes. These surfaces will be used to generate the initial sun rays in a grid-like pattern. Note that, for curved surfaces, smooth meshes of the geometry will be more accurate than inputing a Brep. | Goo |
Grid Size Or Points | _gridSizeOrPoints | A number in Rhino model units that represents the average size of a grid cell to generate the points, or list of points itself. Note that, if you put in meshes for the input above, the _gridSize number option of this input will not work as this component will use the vertices of the mesh to generate the sun rays. | Goo |
Sun Vectors | _sunVectors | A sun vector from the sunPath component or a list of sun vectors to be forward ray-traced. | Goo |
Context | context_ | Breps or meshes of conext geometry, which will reflect the sun rays after they bounce off of the _sourceSrfs. Note that, for curved surfaces, smooth meshes of the geometry will be more accurate than inputing a Brep. | Goo |
Num Of Bounce | _numOfBounce_ | An interger representing the number of ray bounces to trace the sun rays forward. | Goo |
Last Bounce Len | _lastBounceLen_ | A number representing the length of the sun ray after the last bounce. If left empty, this length will be the diagonal of the bounding box surrounding all input geometries. | Goo |
First Bounce Len | firstBounceLen_ | A number representing the length of the sun ray before the first bounce. If left empty, this length will be the diagonal of the bounding box surrounding all input geometries. | Goo |
Run It | _runIt | Script variable bounceFromSurface | Goo |