Blending Delaunay and Voronoi : Lines (CrochetLine) Crochet-blending-between-delaunay-and-voronoi, Idea from Entagma https://entagma | |
Blending Delaunay and Voronoi : Mesh (CrochetMesh) Crochet-blending-between-delaunay-and-voronoi, Idea from Entagma https://entagma | |
Cluster Mesh (ClusterMesh) Cluster a mesh in differents meshes | |
Color Dual Mesh (CDM) With the colors assigned to each vertex of a mesh, color the faces of the dual mesh. Use the mesh colors or the colors on a list | |
Color Mesh Vertices with Gradiant (ColorMeshGradiant) Color vertices of a mesh with a Gradiant | |
Color Mesh Vertices Random (CMRnd) Color randomly the vertices of the mesh | |
Color Mesh Reaction Diffusion (CMRD) Color the vertices of a mesh in order to be used by reaction diffusion | |
Color Mesh Weights (ColorMesh) Color a mesh with a weights associated to the vertices. If just one list, it will be black and white | |
Color Objects (ColorObjects) Color Objects with Random System Colors, output objects are viewed as meshes | |
3D Convex Hull (ConvexHull) 3D convex hull of a list of geometries, translation of unity-quickhull from Oskar Sigvardsson | |
Cut Mesh And Rotate (CMR) Cut a mesh with one or more planes, then rotate each part and connect it with a round or angled elbow | |
Cut mesh with polylines (CutMeshPl) Cut mesh with polylines that are near the mesh, polylines will be used to make mesh ribbons | |
Cut Mesh With Meshes (CMWM) Cut a mesh with a list of meshes | |
Delaunay2D (DelaunayBW) Create a mesh using Delaunay triangulation Bowyer–Watson algorithm | |
Ellipsoid from Polyline (Ellipsoid) Make ellipsoids from polylines, project them on a mesh | |
Heal And Orient a Mesh (HealOrientMesh) This tools suppress the degerated faces which cause the "Invalid Mesh", it also orients the mesh with the help of a master object | |
Import Image Color On Face (IMGf) Import image data from bmp, jpg or png files and transform it to a mesh with colored faces. If image too big it will be resized | |
Maze Kruskal Extended (KruskalMazeEx) Make simple maze using Kruskal algorithm | |
Kruskal Maze (KruskalMaze) Make simple perfect maze using Kruskal algorithm | |
MeshBump (Bump) Move each vertex of a mesh | |
Mesh Cage (MeshCage) Create a cage that could be used to morph object | |
Mesh Groove (Groove) Wave-Like Creases/grooves on mesh, | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Lines (MeshIsoSplitLines) Output the lines at iso value, for each iso value, lines are put on a branch of a datatree | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Lines Ext (MeshIsoSplitLinesExt) Output the lines at iso value, for each iso value, lines are put on a branch of a datatree, initial quad faces in initial mesh are splitted in 4 faces | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Meshes (MeshIsoSplit) Split a mesh in multiples parts | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Meshes Ext (MeshIsoSplitExt) Split a mesh in multiples parts, initial quad faces in initial mesh are splitted in 4 traingular faces | |
Mesh Map (MeshMap3d) Map points from one triangular mesh to another triangular mesh havaing the same topology, same as MeshMap from Kangaroo but take also the height of the point | |
Mesh Remove Color (NoColor) Remove color on vertex | |
Icosahedron Mesh (IcoMesh) Make a mesh sphere based on subdivided Icosahedron | |
Icosahedron Mesh Precision (IcoMesh) Make a mesh sphere based on subdivided Icosahedron with a specified precision, no less than the 1e-5/radius | |
MeshSteppedBump (StepBump) Description | |
Twisted Torus (TwistedTorus) Mesh torus that could be twisted and deformed | |
Noise on Mesh (MeshNoise) Noise like the one in blender applied on each vertex of a mesh | |
Polyline Extrude Both Side of Mesh (PolExtMesh) Extrude a polyline both side of a mesh using a normal a distance, the polyline must be at a distance less than the distance of the mesh | |
Polyline Extrude Both Side (PolExt) Extrude a polyline both side using a normal and a distance | |
Polyline Slab (Slab) Polyline extrusion with thickening on the side | |
Quad Mesh Stripper (Strip) Cluster a mesh by makin strips i Z direction | |
Reaction Belousov (RB) Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction on a mesh | |
Reaction Diffusion On mesh (ReactionDiffusion) Directional reaction diffusion on triangular mesh | |
Reaction Diffusion Extended (RDext) Directional reaction diffusion on triangular mesh | |
Snow Flake (SnowFlake) Simulate snow flake growth on a mesh | |
Region To Mesh (MeshRegion) Group curves by border and holes then transform them to polyline and mesh them | |
Smooth Weights On Mesh (Smooth1) Laplacian Smoothing of weights associated to vertices of a mesh, this algorithm uses Rodolphe Vaillant and Daniel Piker tools http://rodolphe-vaillant | |
Catmull-Clark Subdivision (Subdivide) Subdivide with quads a mesh and weights on each vertex using Catmull - Clark Subdivision, don't forget to weld vertices | |
Vector from curves on mesh (VecOnMesh) Put vector on each vertex of a mesh, depending on guide curves | |
Weld the Vertices of a Mesh (WeldMesh) Weld the vertices that are near |
Bend and blur lines (BendLines) Bend and blur lines and transform them to polylines, see | |
Convex Hull Circles (CirclesConvexHull) Outputs the convex hull of circles, if circles are not on a plane convex hull will be put on a plane | |
Curve Divide Distances (CDD) Divide Distance using multiple distances, it is a recursive calculation so the tolerance matters for the precision of result | |
CurveToArches (PolToArch) Put arches on each segment of the curve and then add arches on previous arches ... | |
Curve To Raster (C2R) Component to get a simplified version of a Polyline, for example for use in OpenNest | |
Dubins CSC (DubinsCSC) Calculate the shortest and 4 possible Dubins Path using Circular Straight Circular (CSC), paths will be on a plane containing start and arrival, | |
Dubins Path CSC (DubinsCSC) Calculate the shortest and 4 possible Dubins Path using Circular Straight Circular (CSC), paths will be on a plane containing start and arrival, | |
Dubins Path From Points (DubinsPath) Create a Dubin's path from a list of point, From this Paper "Three-Dimensional Dubins-Path-Guided Continuous Curvature Path Smoothing" | |
Equal Area Cells (EqualAreaCells) generate equal area cells along a tween curve that is generated using the ribs (quasi parallel lines) | |
Fern Spores (FernSpores) Put circles along a tween curve that is generated using the ribs (quasi parallel lines) | |
Geodesic Curve From Point (Geodesic2) Trace a geodesic path on mesh from a point with a direction and a length | |
Geodesic Point To Point (GeodesicPtToPt) Calculate a geodesic from a point to another point with a naive method, output only one geodesic that is not always the shortest. This algorithm stops at naked edges | |
Geodesics Point To Point (GeodesicPtToPt) Calculate multiple geodesics from a point to another point. This algorithm stops at naked edges | |
Gilbert Tessellation 3D (GT3D) Gilbert Tessellation with curves on 3d | |
Gilbert Tessellation Fans On Mesh (GTFM) Make Gilbert Tesselations Fans starting at points and irradiating in multiple directions | |
Gilbert Tessellation Stars On Mesh (GTSM) Make Gilbert Tesselations starting at points and irradiating in multiple directions | |
Gilbert Tessellation (GT) Gilbert Tessellation on the plane | |
Group Curves By Plane (GroupByPlane) Group curves that are on similar plane, if center of plane projection of this center on another plane is less than distance tolerance and angles between Z vector is less than Angle Tolerance, plane are similar | |
Curves Region Offset (PolyOffset) Group curves by plane, then by region (contour and holes) then offset in 2 directions. Curves are transformed to polylines | |
Group Curves by Region (GroupRegion) Group curves by border and holes, first curve in list will be the border and if others curves they will be holes | |
Hexagon On Surface (HexaSurf) Map hexagons on a surface that has a seam, limit of 1000 rings and 500 per ring, | |
Medial Axis From Curves (MedialAxis) Extract the medial axis from planar curves | |
Medial Axis From One Curve (MedialAxis) Extract the medial axis from a planar curve | |
Medial Axis From Region (MedialAxisRegion) Extract the medial axis from Region => planar curves that contains holes, curves will be sorted | |
Planks In Region (PlanksInRegion) Generate planks (infinite length) in planar region defined by planar closed curve, if there is a line it will be used for the plank direction | |
Polyline Divide Divide a polyline with a specified maximum length | |
Polyline to Lines and Arcs (PlToLineArc) Given a tolerance, convert a polyline to a polycurve made with lines and arcs | |
Random Growth Of Lines (LineGrowth) Randomly growth the lines using them as starter for the direction an length | |
Remove Dead Ends (DelDeadEnds) Remove dead end on a network of lines, dead end are end of a line that is not linked to anthor line | |
Remove Duplicate Lines (dupLines) Remove duplicates lines | |
Remove Overlapping Circles (RemOverCircles) Delete circles that are overlapping another circle in XY plane, list of circles is sorted or not, first circle in the list is always in the output, | |
Clean Overlapping Curves (CleanOverlapCurves) Remove overlapping part of curves with specified minimum distance between curves | |
Remove Short Segments (RemoveShortSegments) Rhinocommon Method RemoveShortSegments : Looks for segments that are shorter than tolerance that can be removed. Does not change the domain, but it will change the relative parameterization. | |
Rubber Band 2 (RubberBand2) Make a rubber band around circles using Riccardo Majewski method | |
Rubber Band 1 (RubberBand1) Make a rubber band around circles | |
Smooth Network Of Curves (SmoothNetwork) Smooth a network of curves | |
Smooth Network Of Lines by Daniel Piker (SmoothNetwork) Smooth a network of lines using Daniel Piker tool | |
String Of Pearls On Curve (StringOfPearls) Place spheres on a curve | |
String Of Pearls On Curve using Image (StringOfPearls) Make a string of pearls with radiuses depending on the brightness of the mesh color | |
TSP From Mesh (TspMesh) Hamiltonian Cycle using a mesh to convey the topology, the algorithm tries to go through all points using the mesh edges | |
TSP from Topology (TspTopo) Hamiltonian Cycle using a topology made by points and edges, the algorithm tries to go through all points using the edges | |
Voronoi from 2D points (Voronoi2D) Voronoi using Delaunay Bowyer–Watson algorithm |
Planar Points Bounding Ellipse (BoundingEllipse) Construct the minimum bounding ellipse from coplanar points | |
Explode Positions (ExplodePositions) Explode positions of geometries, it works like ScalePositions command of Rhinoceros but just in 3D | |
Nautilus Licence Information (LicInfo) Nautilus licence information, level of licence and date of validity and information to buy a licence | |
NoiseBlender3D (NoiseBlender) Noise in 3D like the one in blender | |
Pack Geometries on Grid (GridPack) Simple tool to pack geometries on a rectangular 2D grid, | |
Pack Geometries on Unit Grid (GridUnitPack) Simple tool to pack scaled geometries on a rectangular 2D grid with unit size, replaced by Pack Geometries on a Sized Grid | |
PlaneInsideObject (PIO) Make a plane inside an object | |
Read STL (ReadSTL) Read a binary or ASCII STL file and outputs one or more meshes with their names | |
Extrude Sheet (ExtrudeSheet) Extrude both side of a planar curve | |
Inverse Saw Function (InvSaw) Inverse Saw Function | |
Noise1D Noise in 1D like the one in blender | |
Pack Geometries on a Sized Grid (SizedGridPack) Simple tool to pack scaled geometries on a square 2D grid with a defined size, replace Pack On Unit Grid | |
Region Slits Ext (RegionSlitsExt) This tool outputs paired slits into planar regions so that they can be inserted into each other | |
Saw Function (Saw) Saw Function | |
Square Function (Square) Transform double like the sinus function but with a square pattern | |
Stable Positions (Stable) Outputs transforms that allows the object to be stable on XY plane | |
Change Radius of Circles In Rhino (ChangeRadius) Transform a circle of a given radius in Rhinoceros to another Circle Radius | |
Transform Geometry In Rhino (TransformGeom) Transform a geometry in Rhinoceros, it could be used to change the size of circles for example | |
ZigZag or Triangle Wave Function (ZigZag) Transform double like the sinus function but with a triangle wave/ZigZag pattern |
Helix//Spiral on Curve (Helix) Rhinocommon Method : Create a C2 non-rational uniform cubic NURBS approximation of a swept helix or spiral | |
Loxodrome Create a Loxodrome or Rhumb line on a sphere, based old Grasshopper file | |
Loxodrome Piped (Loxodrome) Create a Loxodrome or Rhumb line on a sphere, based http://en | |
Polyline Spiral (PolylineSpiral) Generate a spiral with lines | |
Hyper Spiral (4dSpiral) Implementation of Spektre from StackOverFlow question : How to distribute points evenly on the surface of hyperspheres in higher dimensions? https://stackoverflow | |
Archimedean Spiral (Spiral) Generate Archimedean spiral using RhinoCommon NurbsCurve.CreateSpiral | |
Spiral Constan Angle (SpiralSphere) Spherical spiral with a constant angular increase | |
Fermat Spiral (FermatSpiral) Fermat Spiral | |
Spiral From Polyline (SpiralPl) Generate a sort of segmented spiral from a polyline or curve | |
Spiral From Polyline GraphMapper (Spiral) Generate a sort of segmented spiral from a polyline or curve | |
Logarithmic Spiral Turns (LogSpiralT) Generate a logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral, or growth spiral, based on external radius, number of turns and slope angle | |
Logarithmic Spiral Radiuses (LogSpiralR) Generate a logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral, or growth spiral, based on radiuses and slope angle | |
Spiral Of Theodorus (SpiralTh) Spiral of Theodorus (also called square root spiral, Einstein spiral, Pythagorean spiral, or Pythagoras's snail) is a spiral composed of right triangles, placed edge-to-edge | |
Archimedian Spiral Plane (SpiralPlane) Generate Archimedian spiral using RhinoCommon NurbsCurve.CreateSpiral | |
Polygonal Spiral (PolygonalSpiral) Generate a Polygonal spiral | |
Spirals From Curve (SpiralsCurve) Fill a planar closed curve with spirals |
Brep Faces Topology (BrepFacesTopo) Output the connections between faces of a Brep | |
LinesTopology Lines Topology | |
Mesh Faces Topology (MeshFacTopo) For all faces of a mesh return the adjacent faces index that share an edge | |
nColor Try to color each face with a color that is different from its neighbours | |
Topology of Cells From curve (CellsTopo) Output the relations between cells, for example 2D Voronoi, same edges or same points | |
Topology From Brep Cells Component (BrepCellsTopo) Relations between individual Brep cells, for example 3D Voronoi cells, face center is always taken into account, you can add edge and vertex/point | |
Topology From Connected Closed Polycurves (TopoCells) Output the topology of connected cells, don't use it with more than 10 000 cells, use the Topology Of Dual Mesh | |
Index To Black&White (IndexToB&W) From a list of integer, output black for 0, white for 1 and transparent purple for others integers | |
Index To Color (IndexToColor) From a list of integers, output some colours like on a map, transparent for negative index, | |
Topology Of Dual Mesh (TopoDualMesh) Output the topology of connected cells of the Dual Mesh. Could be very long with more than 25 000 points |
Join Closed Curves Stacked (JoinClosedCurves) Join closed stacked curves in order to make one openend curve | |
Single Path Fill with Lines (SinglePathLines) Fill closed curves with lines | |
Single Line Fill with Offsets (SingleLineOffset) Fill closed curves with offseted curves (sort of Fermat Spiral) | |
Single Line Fill with Sinus (SingleLineSinus) Fill closed curves with single line sinus | |
Single Line Fill with Spiral (SingleLineSpiral) Fill closed curves with spiral | |
Single Line Fill with Zigzags (SingleLineZigzag) Fill closed curves with zigzags curves | |
Suppress Self Intersections (SuSelfInt) Try to suppress all self-intersection of a curve |
Egg0 Egg equation from | |
Egg1 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 1 | |
Egg3 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 3 | |
Egg5 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 5 | |
Four Curves To Bulb (CuToBulb) Convert 4 curves to a bulb surface | |
Four Curves To Dome (CuToDome) Convert 4 curves to a dome surface | |
Region To Roof (RegionToRoof) Transform a planar region to a roof |
Populate a box (PopBox) Populate a box randomly with points using the .NET Random, more random and faster than GH component | |
Populate Box Uniformly (PopBoxU) Populate a box with a uniform distribution of points | |
Populate an Image (PopImg) Populate an image with points depending on a radius for the black and a radius for the white | |
Over Populate an Image (OverPopImg) Populate an image with points depending on a radius for the black and a radius for the white | |
Populate Mesh Randomly (FastPopRnd) Populate a mesh randomly with points | |
Wordle Place randomly different object on sheet represented by an the projection on XY plane of an object |
Image Thinner 1 (ImgThinner1) Draw a 1 pixel wide skeleton of an image while retaining the shape and structure of the full image | |
Image Thinner 2 (ImgThinner2) Draw a 1 pixel wide skeleton of an image while retaining the shape and structure of the full image | |
Object to Image (ObjToImg) Open an image, transform a colored mesh to an image | |
RGB To CMYK (RGBToCMYK) Transform a list of RGB color to CMYK values using Hyungsoo Kim equations | |
RGB To CMYK GreyColor (RGBToCMYK) Transform a list of RGB color to CMYK as Grey Color values using Hyungsoo Kim equations |
Envelop Lines (EnvelopLines) Envelop lines network with meshes | |
Radius Interpolate (RadiusInterpolate) Interpolate radiuses on a network of curves | |
Tree From Network Of Curves (TreeRadiusTop) Calculate the radiuses from a network of curves, output the topology | |
Tree Ribs (TreeRibs) Make ribs betweens the branches |
Cistercian Notation (Cistercian) Output curves representing an integer with Cistercian notation, if integer is bigger than 9999 integer will be divided by group of 4 integers | |
Text Output text as curve, surface and extrusion | |
Fonts Outputs the list of installed fonts |
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