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Twisted Box

Blend Through Meshes

Blend through a set of meshes by their vertices with a set of blend factors where each factor controls the blend amount through each set of vertices which share the same vertex index across the meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also blend mesh vertex colors.


MeshesMSet of meshes to blend throughMesh
FactorsFBlend factors, one factor for each set of vertices which share the same vertex index across the meshes (0.0 = Mesh at M start vertices, 1.0 = Mesh at M end vertices), unless Normalized is FalseNumber
NormalizedNIf False, the rules for factor are (0.0 = Mesh at index 0 vertices, Index number of last mesh = Mesh at last index vertices) The blend factor range from one mesh's vertices to the next mesh's vertices in the list is: Index number of a mesh = the vertices of the mesh at that index, Index number of the next mesh = the vertices of the next mesh in the list, factors between the mesh index numbers will be the corresponding mesh vertex blends. For instance: A blend factor of 2.5 will result in blend mesh vertices halfway between the mesh at index 2's vertices and a mesh at index 3's vertices.Boolean
EqualizedEIf True, blend distribution is evaluated along the vertex blend paths without considering the locations of the input mesh sets verticesBoolean
WeightedWIf True, blend distribution is weighted by the input mesh sets vertices and the vertex blend paths curvaturesBoolean
LoopbackLIf True, allow the blend path to continue from the end back to the start as a closed loop (if Normalized is False, increase the blend factor range maximum by 1)Boolean
DegreeDCurvature degree of the vertex blend paths, degree should be a positive odd numberInteger
Interpolation TypeIDetermines how the vertex blend paths are interpolated 0 = Linear 1 = Chord 2 = Square Root 3 = UniformInteger
Colored TypeCDetermines how mesh vertex colors are blended 0 = None 1 = Fast 2 = AccurateInteger


BlendBResulting blend meshMesh

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