SubD | SD | SubD to mirror cut | Goo |
Mirror Plane | MP | Plane that the kept side of the SubD cut gets mirrored across | Plane |
Reach | R | Parts of the SubD within this distance from the mirror plane will be additionally cut away | Number |
Offset | O | Distance to offset the kept parts of the SubD from the mirror plane (or offset from the reach if reach in not zero) | Number |
Flip | F | Flip the mirror direction | Boolean |
Join | J | Join the mirror cut SubD | Boolean |
Keep | K | Keep the SubD and mirror it normally if it is mirror cut into non-existence | Boolean |
Connection Type | T | Determines how the mirror cut SubDs are connected (0 = Split faces, with connection, 1 = Remove faces, with connection, 2 = Shrink faces, with connection, 3 = Split faces, without connection, 4 = Remove faces, without connection, 5 = Shrink faces, without connection) | Integer |
Bulge | B | Bulge factor for the mirror cut SubD connections (-B = Negative Bulge, 0.0 = No Bulge, +B = Positive Bulge) | Number |
Divisions | D | Number of SubD edge loop divisions per side of the SubD connection | Integer |
Weld Vertices | W | Weld SubD vertices that are within a specified proximity of eachother (0.0 = No weld, Number greater than 0 = Weld vertices within proximity of the number) | Number |
Crease Type | Cr | Determines how SubDs are creased (0 = None, 1 = At Creases, 2 = At Edges) | Integer |
Corner Type | Co | Determines how SubDs are cornered (0 = None, 1 = At Corners) | Integer |
Interpolate Vertices | Iv | If True, SubDs are interpolated through their control polygon vertices | Boolean |