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Twisted Box

Twisted Box Sweep Variable

Create connected twisted boxes along four rail curves from a separate set of domain dividing parameters for each rail curve.


Rail 1Rail curve that the first and fourth corners of the twisted boxes are onCurve
Rail 2Rail curve that the second and third corners of the twisted boxes are onCurve
Rail 3Rail curve that the sixth and seventh corners of the twisted boxes are onCurve
Rail 3R⁴Rail curve that the fifth and eighth corners of the twisted boxes are onCurve
Parameters T1Division parameters along rail curve one's {t} domain (0.0 = Rail 1 start, 1.0 = Rail 1 end) For best results parameters should be between 0 and 1, in numerical order, non duplicate, and have the same amount of parameters as the other parameter {t} listsNumber
Parameters T2Division parameters along rail curve two's {t} domain (0.0 = Rail 2 start, 1.0 = Rail 2 end) For best results parameters should be between 0 and 1, in numerical order, non duplicate, and have the same amount of parameters as the other parameter {t} listsNumber
Parameters T3Division parameters along rail curve three's {t} domain (0.0 = Rail 3 start, 1.0 = Rail 3 end) For best results parameters should be between 0 and 1, in numerical order, non duplicate, and have the same amount of parameters as the other parameter {t} listsNumber
Parameters T4t⁴Division parameters along rail curve four's {t} domain (0.0 = Rail 4 start, 1.0 = Rail 4 end) For best results parameters should be between 0 and 1, in numerical order, non duplicate, and have the same amount of parameters as the other parameter {t} listsNumber
WeightedWIf True, parameters {t} distributions are weighted by the input rail curves curvaturesBoolean


Twisted BoxesTBResulting sweep twisted boxesTwisted Box

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