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GeomGym GSA

ADDON. Version Released on 07-Nov-2023. Provides 210 components. Created by Geometry Gym Pty Ltd. Features 0 video tutorials.
Rhino plugin and Grasshopper Components to generate Oasys GSA Structural Analysis Data


Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM)
Create Elastic Isotropic Material
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material (ggEOM)
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material
Create Fabric Material (ggFM)
Create Fabric Material
Create Material (ggMat)
Create Structural Material
Beam Release Stiffness (RS)
Beam Release
Beam Release (R)
Beam Release
Find Section Prop (ggFSP)
Find Structural Section Property
Node Restraint (ggNR)
Create NodeRestraint
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO)
Options for generation of Finite Element
Element Orientation (ggEO)
Element Orientations
Member1DAtts (ggM1DA)
Create Member 1D Attributes GSA10.1 +
Member Mesh Params (ggMMP)
Create Member 1D and 2D Meshing Parameters
Member Fire Params (ggMFP)
Create Member 1D and 2D Fire Resistance Parameters
Member Time Exp Params (ggMTEP)
Create Member 1D and 2D Time Exposure Parameters
Member2DAtts (ggM2DA)
Create Member 2D Attributes
Node Atts (ggNA)
Create Structural Node Attributes
Beam Atts (ggBA)
Create Beam Attributes
Finite Elem Atts (ggFEA)
Create Finite Element Attributes
Profile IBeam Cellular (ggIBC)
Generate an Cellular I Beam Profile
Create Section Prop (ggSP)
Create Structural Section Property
Create Prop Cable (ggCP)
Create Cable Property
Create Line Seg Section Prop (ggLSP)
Create Line Segment Structural Section Property
Create Explicit Section Prop (ggESP)
Create Explicit Structural Section Property
Section Property Parameters (ggSPP)
Structural Section Property Parameters
Beam Prop Modifier (ggSPM)
Create Beam Section Property Modifier
Area Atts (ggAA)
Create Area Attributes
Mesh Quad Build (ggQM)
Create QuadBuildMesh
Mesh CM2 (ggCM2)
Create CM2Mesh
Region Atts (ggRA)
Create Region Attributes
Line Atts (ggLA)
Create Line Attributes
Material Curve (ggMC)
Create Material Curve
Material Create Steel (ggSTM)
Create Steel Material
Material Create Concrete (ggCM)
Create Concrete Material
Concrete Mat Atts (ggCA)
Concrete Material Attributes
Concrete Mat Design Params (ggCP)
Concrete Material Design Parameters
Material Create Rebar (ggRM)
Create Rebar Material
Material Create Rebar Atts (ggRMA)
Create Reinforcement Material Attributes
Material Create Timber (ggCTM)
Create Timber Material
Create Prop Fabric (ggPF)
Create Fabric Property
Create Prop Mass (ggPropMass)
Create Structural Mass Property
Create Prop Link (ggPropLink)
Create Structural Link Property
Create Stage (ggStage)
Create Stage
Create Stage Prop (ggStageProp)
Create Stage Property
Create Prop Spring General (ggPropSpringGen)
Create General Spring Property
Create Prop Spring General Curves (ggPropSpringGenCurves)
Create General Spring Property with Curves
Create Prop Spring Lock Up (ggPSLU)
Create Structural Lock Up Spring Property
Create Prop Spring Axial (ggPAS)
Create Structural Compression/Tension Spring Property
Create Prop Spring Matrix (ggPSM)
Create Structural Matrix Spring Property
Create Spring Matrix (ggSpringMatrix)
Create Spring Matrix
Create Prop Spacer (ggPropSpacer)
Create Structural Spacer Property
Create Soap Stress1D (ggSS1)
Create Structural Soap Stress 1D
Create Soap Stress2D (ggSS2)
Create Structural Soap Stress 2D
Create Force Density1D (ggFD1)
Create Structural ForceDensity1D
Create 2d Load Panel Prop (ggLP2d)
Create 2d Load Panel Prop
Create2DProp (ggP2d)
Create 2d Finite Element Prop
Create2DProfile Decking (gg2DPD)
Create a user defined 2d decking profile which can be applied to a 2D property
Prop2d Params (ggSP2dP)
Structural Property 2d Parameters


Analysis Case (ggAC)
Create Analysis Case
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp)
Query Node Displacements
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF)
Query Node Reaction Force
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM)
Query Node Reaction Moment
Query Node Mass (ggQNodeMass)
Query Node Mass
Query Member Utilization (ggQMemberUtil)
Query Member Utilizations
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor)
Query Beam Element Forces
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet)
Decomposes 1d Element Result Set
Query Beam Forces (ggQueryBeamFor)
Query Beam Element Forces
Query Assembly Forces (ggQueryAssemblyFor)
Query Assembly Forces
Decompose Result Set Beam Forces (ggRDBFSet)
Decomposes Beam Forces (1d Forces) Result Set
Decompose Result Set Member Utilization (ggRDMemberUtil)
Decompose Member Utilization Result Set
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQ2dPrinStrss)
Query 2d Element Principal Stress
Query Result2d Options (ggQResult2dOpt)
Query Result 2d options
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrincStress)
Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result
Query Buckling Factor (ggQueryBucklingFactor)
Query Buckling Factor
Decompose Result Set2d (ggRD2dSet)
Decompose 2d Elemnt Result Set
Query Result1d Options (ggQResult1dOpt)
Query Result 1d options
Query Footfall Summary Results (ggQueryFF)
Query Footfall Analysis Results for a give node and loadscase
Decompose Result Set Footfall Summary (ggRDFootfallSummary)
Decompose Footfall Summary Result
Query Frequency (ggQueryFrequency)
Query Frequency
Query Weight (ggQueryWeight)
Query Weight
Query1d Element Strain (ggQ1dElemStrain)
Query 1d (Curve) Element Strain
Query1d Element Strain Energy (ggQ1dElemStrnEnrgy)
Query Curve Element StrainEnergy
Query1d Element Stress (ggQ1dElemStrss)
Query Curve Element Stress
Query Mesh Projected Moments (ggQueryMeshProjMom)
Query Mesh Projected Moments
Query Mesh Projected Forces (ggQMeshProjFor)
Query Mesh Projected Forces
Query Mesh Derived Stress (ggQMeshDerStrss)
Query Mesh Derived Stress
Query2d Projected Moments (ggQ2dProjMom)
Query 2d Element Projected Moments
Query2d Projected Forces (ggQuery2dProjFor)
Query 2d Element Projected Forces
Query2d Derived Forces (ggQ2dElemDerivedForces)
Query 2d Element Derived Forces
Query2d Derived Stress (ggQ2dDerStrss)
Query 2d Element Derived Stress
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN)
Decompose Node Set Result
Decompose Result Set Node Mass (ggRDNodeMass)
Decompose Node Mass Result
Solver (ggS)
This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results
Query (ggQ)
This component will extract results from an existing gsa model with saved results, use in conjunction with open component.
Result Store (ggRS)
Nominate Results to Store
Analysis Solver Param (ggSP)
Create Analysis Solver Param
Analysis Static (ggSA)
Create Analysis Static
Analysis Non Linear Static (ggNL)
Create Analysis NonLineaer Static
Analysis PDelta (ggSAPD)
Create Analysis PDelta
Analysis Modal Buckling (ggMBA)
Create Modal Buckling Analysis
Analysis Modal (ggMA)
Create Analysis Modal
Analysis Modal Options (ggMA)
Create Analysis Modal Options
Analysis Footfall (ggFA)
Create Analysis Footfall
Analysis Response Spectrum (ggRS)
Create Response Spectrum Analysis Task
Analysis Bridge (ggBA)
Create Analysis Bridge
Analysis Form Find (ggFF)
Create Analysis Form Find
Form Finding (ggFF)
Form Finding
Solve (ggSM)
Solver with opportunity to add additional features


Transform Structure (ggTransform)
Transform Structure
Decompose Beam (ggBeam)
Decompose Structural Beam Element
Create List By Definition (ggListDef)
Create List by Definition
Create List (ggList)
Create Lists
Decompose List (ggDecomposeList)
Decompose List
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE)
Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces
Mesh Convert Finite Elements Tied (ggMFET)
Create Structural Finite Elements from list of mesh with Tied edges
Create Member1d (ggMember1d)
Create Linear Member
Create Member End (ggMemberEnd)
Create Member End
Create Member2d (ggMember2d)
Create Area Member
Create2d Topology (gg2dTopology)
Create 2d Member Topology
Node List (ggNodeList)
Create List of Nodes for 2d Member Topology
Create Or Find Node (ggNode)
Locate Existing or Create StructuralNode
Create Beam (ggBeam)
Create Structural Beam part
Cable (ggCable)
Create Cable Element
Link (ggLink)
Create Link Element
Generate Perim Beams (ggPB)
Generate Curve Elements From Brep
Generate Line Segment Beams (ggLSB)
Create Line Segment Beam
Create Axis (ggAxis)
Create Structural Axis
Create Grid Plane (ggGP)
Create Structural GridPlane
Create Grid Surface (ggGP)
Create Structural Grid Surface
Create Restraint (ggRestraint)
Create Rigid Restraint
Create Constraint (ggConstraint)
Create Rigid Constraint
Create Joint (ggJoint)
Create Structural Joint
Ground Spring (ggGSpring)
Create Ground Spring
Mass (ggMass)
Create Mass Element
Create Area (ggArea)
Create Structural Area
Create Finite Element (ggFE)
Create Structural Finite Element from points
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE)
Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh
Create Region (ggRegion)
Create Structural Region
Create Region Brep (ggRegion)
Create Structural Region From Surface
Create Polyline (ggPL)
Create Structural Polyline
Create Line (ggLine)
Create Structural Line
Decompose FE (ggDFE)
Decompose Structural Finite Element
Create Assembly (ggA)
Create GSA Assembly


Load Case (ggLC)
Create Load Case
Case Combination (ggCC)
Create Case Combination
Decompose Load Case (ggDecomposeLoadCase)
Decompose a LoadCase and retrieve all associated loading
Decompose Combo (ggDecomposeCombo)
Decompose Combo
Load Gravity (ggGL)
Create Gravity Load
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL)
Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid
Load Crv Patch (ggCP)
Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements
Load2d Face (ggFL)
Create Face Loads for 2d Elements
Load2d Face Var (ggFLV)
Create Variable Face Loads for 2d Elements
Load Crv Lack Of Fit (ggCLOF)
Create Lack of Fit Load for Curve Elements
Load Crv Temp (ggLCT)
Create Temperature Load for Curve Elements
Load2DTemp (ggL2DT)
Create Temperature Load for 2d Elements
Load Crv Prestress (ggCP)
Create Prestress Load for Curve Elements
Load Crv Strain (ggCS)
Create Strain Load for Curve Elements
Load Node (ggNL)
Create Node Load
Load Node Displacment Vector (ggNDLV)
Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction
Load Node Displacment (ggNDL)
Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL)
Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements
Load Crv Point (ggCLP)
Create Point Loads for Curve Elements
Load Node Settlement (ggSL)
Create Settlement Load, node should have restraint in applied directions
Load2d Prestress (gg2dPS)
Create Load 2d Prestress
Load2d Strain (gg2dS)
Create Load 2d Strain
Load Intensity (ggLI)
Define Load Intensity
Load Direction (ggRGL)
Create LoadDirection
Load Grid Area (ggGA)
Create Grid Area load
Decompose Grid Area Load (ggDecomposeGAL)
Decompose Grid Area Load
Load Grid Line (ggGA)
Create Grid Line load
Load Grid Point (ggGA)
Create Grid Point load
Load Grid Linear (ggGLL)
Create linear loads for Adjacent Grids
Response Spectra Euro Code8 (ggRSEC)
Create a response spectrum based on Eurocode8

to Karamba (ggGSAtoKaramba)
Import GSA model into Karamba
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI)
Stream Bake Ifc
Convert Ifc Filter (F)
IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI)
Convert From Ifc
Import Data (ggID)
Import Structural Analaysis Data
Model Decompose (ggMD)
Bake Model (ggBS)
Bake model to GSA Application
Project Settings (ggPS)
Project setting options to be set to the associated ggGSAProject File.
Units (ggU)
Specify GSA Project Units. Note this will change the Units Once the Baking Process has been completed (baked in SI units) so you do not need to complete the step manually.
Stream Bake (ggSB)
Stream Bake
Project Title (ggCP)
GSA Project Title Information. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set
Location (ggPL)
GSA Project Location. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set
s ID (ggsID)
Set sID on structural object
Convert Ifc Options (O)
Options for converting from IFC


Bridge Spec5100 (ggBS5100)
GSA BridgeSpec Aus 5100.
Bridge Spec EC1 (ggBS_EC1)
GSA BridgeSpec EC1, Only one bridge spec should be generated in each Grasshopper document
Alignment Point (ggAP)
GSA Alignment Point
Alignment (ggA)
GSA Alignment
Path (ggP)
GSA Path
Infl Node (ggIN)
GSA Influence Node
Infl Beam (ggIB)
GSA Influence Beam
Basic Bridge Load (ggBBL)
GSA Basic Bridge Load
Moving Bridge Load (ggMBL)
GSA Moving Bridge Load
Path Load (ggPL)
GSA Path Load
User Vechicle (ggUV)
GSA UserVechicle
Vechicle Axle (ggVA)
GSA VechicleAxle


Code Steel Design (ggSteel)
Specify Steel Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set
Code Concrete Design (ggConcrete)
Specify Concrete Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set
Code Loading (ggLoad)
Specify Load Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set
Create Steel Beam Design (ggSD)
Create Steel Beam Design
Create Steel Restraint (ggSR)
Create Steel Restraint
Create Steel Restraint Property (ggSRP)
Create Steel Restraint Property
Common Steel Restraint Property (ggCSRP)
Common Steel Restraint Property
Create Member Effective Length (ggMemberEL)
Create Member Effective Length
Concrete Slab Property (ggCSP)
Create a Concrete Slab Property to Apply to a 2D Property
Concrete Slab Property Calc Options (ggCSPO)
Concrete Slab Property Calculation Options


gg Karamba To GSA (ggKarambaGSA)
Export Karamba model to GSA
Fileto Karamba (ggGSAtoKaramba)
Import GSA model into Karamba from file

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   GeomGym GSA and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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