Sch Name | _schName | Name of the EP schedule | Goo |
Week Start Day | _weekStartDay_ | An integer or text descriptor to set the schedule start day of the week. The default is set to 0 - sun - sunday.
Choose from one of the following:
0 - sun - sunday
1 - mon - monday
2 - tue - tuesday
3 - wed - wednesday
4 - thu - thursday
5 - fri - friday
6 - sat - saturday | Goo |
Epw File For Hol | epwFileForHol_ | The file address of an EPW file on your system. This component will automatically look up the national holidays of the country listed in the epw file and factor them into the output "values". | Goo |
Custom Hol | customHol_ | Connect a list of DOYs (from 1 to 365) or a list of strings (example: DEC 25).
These will be added to any holidays in the epwFile holidays (if connected). | Goo |