HBObj | _HBObj | Honeybee surface or Honeybee zone | Goo |
Plane | _plane_ | Base Plane | Goo |
X | _X_ | Scaling factor in {x} direction | Goo |
Y | _Y_ | Scaling factor in {y} direction | Goo |
Z | _Z_ | Scaling factor in {z} direction | Goo |
Name | _name_ | An optional text string that will be appended to the name of the transformed object(s). If nothing is input here, a default unique name will be generated. | Goo |
Keep Adj | keepAdj_ | Set to 'False' to remove existing adjacencies and boundary conditions (this is useful if you plan to re-solve adjacencies after this component). If left blank or set to 'True', the component will preserve adjacencies with other zones. | Goo |