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00 | Honeybee
01 | Daylight | Material
02 | Daylight | Light Source
03 | Daylight | Recipes
04 | Daylight | Daylight
05 | Energy | Building Program
06 | Energy | Material | Construction
07 | Energy | Schedule
08 | Energy | Set Zone Properties
09 | Energy | HVACSystems
10 | Energy | Energy
11 | THERM
12 | Developers
13 | WIP

Therm Material to Energy Plus Material

Use this component to create a custom opaque material, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component.
This component requires you to know a lot of the characteristics of the material and, you may want to borrow some characteristcs of a similar material in the library. Use the "Honeybee_Call From EP Construction Library" and the "Honeybee_Decompose EP Material" to help with this.
If you are not able to find all of the necessary material characteristcs and your desired material is relatively light, it might be easier for you to use a "Honeybee_EnergyPlus NoMass Opaque Material."


Therm Material_thermMaterialThe name of a Therm material from the ThermMaterials output from the from the "Call from EP Construction Library" component.Goo
Roughness_roughness_A text value that indicated the roughness of your material. This can be either "VeryRough", "Rough", "MediumRough", "MediumSmooth", "Smooth", and "VerySmooth". The default is set to "Rough".Goo
Thickness_thicknessA number that represents the thickness of the material in meters (m).Goo
Density_densityA number representing the density of the material in kg/m3. This is essentially the mass one cubic meter of the material.Goo
Specific Heat_specificHeatA number representing the specific heat capacity of the material in J/kg-K. This is essentially the number of joules needed to raise one kg of the material by 1 degree Kelvin.Goo


EPMaterial StrEPMaterialStrAn opaque material that can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component.Goo
Mat NamematNameThe name of the generated EP Material.Goo

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