HBZones | _HBZones | The HBZones out of any of the HB components that generate or alter zones. Note that these should ideally be the zones that are fed into the Run Energy Simulation component as surfaces may not align otherwise. Zones read back into Grasshopper from the Import idf component will not align correctly with the EP Result data. | Goo |
Grid Size | gridSize_ | A number in Rhino model units to make each cell of the view factor mesh. | Goo |
Dist From Floor Or Srf | distFromFloorOrSrf_ | A number in Rhino model units to set the distance of the view factor mesh from the floor of the zones. Alternatively, this can be a surface or list of surfaces on which you are interested in studying thermal comfort. Lastly, it can be a list of points at which you want to evaluate microclimate conditions. | Goo |
Additional Shading | additionalShading_ | Add additional shading breps or meshes to account for geometry that is not a part of the zone but can still block direct sunlight to occupants. Examples include outdoor context shading and indoor furniture. | Goo |
Add Shd Transmiss | addShdTransmiss_ | An optional transmissivity that will be used for all of the objects connected to the additionalShading_ input. This can also be a list of transmissivities whose length matches the number of breps connected to additionalShading_ input, which will assign a different transmissivity to each object. Lastly, this input can also accept a data tree with a number of branches equal to the number of objects connected to the additionalShading_ input with a number of values in each branch that march the number of hours in the simulated analysisPeriod (so, for an annual simulation, each branch would have 8760 values). The default is set to assume that all additionalShading_ objects are completely opaque. As one adds in transmissivities with this input, the calculation time will increase accordingly. | Goo |
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Include Outdoor | includeOutdoor_ | Set to 'True' to have the final visualization take the parts of the input Srf that are outdoors and color them with temperatures representative of outdoor conditions. Note that these colors of conditions will only approximate those of the outdoors, showing the assumptions of the Energy model rather than being a perfectly accurate representation of outdoor conditions. The default is set to 'False' as the inclusion of outdoor conditions can often increase the calculation time. | Goo |
View Resolution | viewResolution_ | An interger between 0 and 4 to set the number of times that the tergenza skyview patches are split. A higher number will ensure a greater accuracy but will take longer. The default is set to 0 for a quick calculation. | Goo |
Remove Air Walls | removeAirWalls_ | Set to "True" to remove air walls from the view factor calculation. The default is set to "True" sinc you usually want to remove air walls from your view factor calculations. | Goo |
============ | ============ | Script variable IndoorViewFactor | Goo |
Parallel | parallel_ | Set to "True" to run the calculation with multiple cores and "False" to run it with a single core. Multiple cores can increase the speed of the calculation substantially and is recommended if you are not running other big or important processes. The default is set to "True." | Goo |
Build Mesh | _buildMesh | Set boolean to "True" to generate a mesh based on your zones and the input distFromFloorOrSrf_ and gridSize_. This is a necessary step before calculating view factors from each test point to the surrounding zone surfaces. | Goo |
Run It | _runIt | Set boolean to "True" to run the component and calculate viewFactors from each test point to surrounding surfaces. | Goo |