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00 | Honeybee
01 | Daylight | Material
02 | Daylight | Light Source
03 | Daylight | Recipes
04 | Daylight | Daylight
05 | Energy | Building Program
06 | Energy | Material | Construction
07 | Energy | Schedule
08 | Energy | Set Zone Properties
09 | Energy | HVACSystems
10 | Energy | Energy
11 | THERM
12 | Developers
13 | WIP

Read EP Surface Result

This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the WriteIDF Component or any EnergyPlus result .csv file address. Note that, if you use this component without the WriteIDF component, you should make sure that a corresponding .eio file is next to your .csv file at the input address that you specify.
This component reads only the results related to surfaces. For results related to zones, you should use the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component.


Result File Address_resultFileAddressThe result file address that comes out of the WriteIDF component.Goo
Norm By Srf AreanormBySrfArea_Set to 'True' to normalize all surface energy data by the area of the suraces (note that the resulting units will be kWh/m2 as EnergyPlus runs in the metric system). The default is set to "False."Goo


Surface Indoor TempsurfaceIndoorTempThe indoor surface temperature of each surface (degrees Celcius).Goo
Surface Outdoor TempsurfaceOutdoorTempThe outdoor surface temperature of each surface (degrees Celcius).Goo
Surface Energy FlowsurfaceEnergyFlowThe heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) through each building surfaces (kWh).Goo
Opaque Energy FlowopaqueEnergyFlowThe heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) through each building opaque surface (kWh).Goo
Glaz Energy FlowglazEnergyFlowThe heat loss (negative) or heat gain (positive) through each building glazing surface (kWh). Note that the value here includes both solar gains and conduction losses/gains.Goo
Window Total Solar EnergywindowTotalSolarEnergyThe total solar energy transmitted through each of the glazing surfaces to the zone (kWh).Goo
Window Beam EnergywindowBeamEnergyThe total direct solar beam energy transmitted through each of the glazing surfaces to the zone (kWh).Goo
Window Diff EnergywindowDiffEnergyThe total diffuse solar energy transmitted through each of the glazing surfaces to the zone (kWh).Goo
Window TransmissivitywindowTransmissivityThe hourly transmissivity of the exterior windows of the model. This data is needed to align a comfort map with an energy model possessing shades.Goo

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