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00 | Honeybee
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04 | Daylight | Daylight
05 | Energy | Building Program
06 | Energy | Material | Construction
07 | Energy | Schedule
08 | Energy | Set Zone Properties
09 | Energy | HVACSystems
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Set Energy Plus Zone Schedules

Use this component to change the schedules of your HBZones.


HBZones_HBZonesHBZones for which you want to change shcedules.Goo
Occupancy SchedulesoccupancySchedules_A text string representing the occupancy shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.Goo
Occupancy Activity SchsoccupancyActivitySchs_A text string representing the shceudle for the metabolic rate of the occupants that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component. If this is a custon schedule, the values in it should be Watts and the "units_" or "_schedTypeLimits_" input should be "ActivityLevel."Goo
Heating Set Pt SchedulesheatingSetPtSchedules_A text string representing the heating setpoint shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component. If this is a custon schedule, the values in it should be Watts and the "units_" or "_schedTypeLimits_" input should be "Temperature."Goo
Cooling Set Pt SchedulescoolingSetPtSchedules_A text string representing the cooling setpoint shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component. If this is a custon schedule, the values in it should be Watts and the "units_" or "_schedTypeLimits_" input should be "Temperature."Goo
Lighting ScheduleslightingSchedules_A text string representing the lighting shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.Goo
Equipment SchedulesequipmentSchedules_A text string representing the equipment shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.Goo
Infiltration SchedulesinfiltrationSchedules_A text string representing the infiltration shceudle that you want to use. This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.Goo
Ventilation SchedulesventilationSchedules_A text string representing the ventilation shceudle that you want to use. Note that this schedule overrides the typical ventilation that occurs based on the occupancy shcedule and the "ventilationPerPerson." The ventilation will be hard-sized based on this schedule and the maximum combined flowrates of "ventilationPerPerson" and "ventilationPerarea." This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.Goo


SchedulesschedulesA report of what shcedules are assigned to each zone.Goo
HBZonesHBZonesHBZones that have had thier shcedules modified.Goo

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