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PET Analysis Recipe

Use this component to assemble an adaptive comfort recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component.


View Factor Mesh_viewFactorMeshThe data tree of view factor meshes that comes out of the "Honeybee_Indoor View Factor Calculator".Goo
View Factor Info_viewFactorInfoThe python list that comes out of the "Honeybee_Indoor View Factor Calculator".Goo
Epw File_epwFileThe epw file that was used to run the EnergyPlus model. This will be used to generate sun vectors and get radiation data for estimating the temperature delta for sun falling on occupants.Goo
Srf Indoor TempsrfIndoorTemp_A list surfaceIndoorTemp data out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Surface Result" component.Goo
Srf Outdoor Temp_srfOutdoorTempA list surfaceOutdoorTemp data out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Surface Result" component.Goo
Zone Air TempzoneAirTemp_The airTemperature output of the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component.Goo
Zone Rel HumidzoneRelHumid_The relativeHumidity output of the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component.Goo
Zone Air Flow VolzoneAirFlowVol_The airFlowVolume output of the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component.Goo
Zone Air Heat GainzoneAirHeatGain_The airHeatGainRate output of the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component.Goo
Body CharacteristicsbodyCharacteristics_A list of body characteristics in the following order: age, sex, height, weight, bodyPosition, clothingInsulation, acclimated, metabolicRate, activityDuration. Use Ladybug's "Body Characteristics" component to generate it. - If not supplied, the following default values will be used: -- 30 - age "male" - sex 175 - height in centimeters 75 - weight in kilograms "standing" - bodyPosition None (clothingInsulation - "None" means that it will be calculated based on air temperature) 37 - clothingAlbedo in % (for medium colored clothes) "unacclimated" - acclimated 2.32 - metabolicRate in mets (2.32 corresponds to walking 4km/h) 480 - activityDuration in minutesGoo
==============================Script variable AdaptComfRecipeGoo
Temperate Or TropicaltemperateOrTropical_Set to "True" to have the component use the tropical/subtropical/humid categories to determine whether the conditions are cold, hot, or comfortable. Set to "False" to use categories for a temperate climate. The tropical categories were determined by Lin and Matzarakis (2008) and the temperate categories were determined by Matzarakis and Mayer (1996). The default is set to "True" for tropical/subtropical categories.Goo
Well Mixed Air OverridewellMixedAirOverride_Set to "True" if you know that your building will have a forced air system with diffusers meant to mix the air as well as possilbe. This will prevent the calculation from running the air stratification function and instead assume well mixed conditions. This input can also be a list of 8760 boolean values that represent the hours of the year when a forced air system or ceiling fans are run to mix the air. The default is set to 'False' to run the stratification calculation for every hour of the year, assuming no forced air heating/cooling system.Goo
Inlet Height OverrideinletHeightOverride_An optional list of float values that match the data tree of view factor meshes and represent the height, in meters, from the bottom of the view factor mesh to the window inlet height. This will override the default value used in the air stratification calculation, which sets the inlet height in the bottom half of the average glazing height.Goo
Window Shade TransmisswindowShadeTransmiss_A decimal value between 0 and 1 that represents the transmissivity of the shades on the windows of a zone (1 is no shade and 0 is fully shaded). This input can also be a list of 8760 values between 0 and 1 that represents a list of hourly window shade transmissivities to be applied to all windows of the model. Finally and most importantly, this can be the 'windowTransmissivity' output of the 'Read EP Surface Result' component for an energy model that has been run with window shades. This final option ensures that the energy model and the confort map results are always aligned although it is the most computationally expensive of the options. The default is set to 0, which assumes no additional shading to windows. Goo
Clo AbsorptivitycloAbsorptivity_An optional decimal value between 0 and 1 that represents the fraction of solar radiation absorbed by the human body. The default is set to 0.7 for (average/brown) skin and average clothing. You may want to increase this value for darker skin or darker clothing.Goo
Wind SpeedwindSpeed_A value in m/s to set the wind speed of the comfort calculation. Use this input to account for objects like ceiling fans that might increase the interior wind speed or input custom wind speed values from a CFD simulation. _ This input can also be a list of 8760 additional wind speed values that represent the hours of the year. Alternatively, this input can be a data tree of values with branches that are each 8760 values long and correspond to the branches of the input viewFactorMesh_. This can also be a data tree of values with one branch for each point in the input viewFactorMesh_. Finally, this input can be the file path to a .csv file that is organized with 8760 values in each column and a number of columns that correspond to the number of test points. This last option is recommended if trying to synchronize CFD results with the microclimate maps. _ If no value is input here, the comfort map components will compute a minimum indoor air speed from the zone volume and hourly flow volume and will use the EPW wind speed for outdoor conditions.Goo
Outdoor TerrainoutdoorTerrain_An interger or text string that sets the terrain class associated with the wind speed used in outdoor wind calculations. Interger values represent the following terrain classes: 0 = City: large city centres, 50% of buildings above 21m over a distance of at least 2000m upwind. 1 = Suburban: suburbs, wooded areas. 2 = Country: open, with scattered objects generally less than 10m high. 3 = Water: Flat, unobstructed areas exposed to wind flowing over a large water body (no more than 500m inland).Goo
Northnorth_Input a vector to be used as a true North direction for the comfort analysis or a number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. The default North direction is set to the Y-axis (0 degrees).Goo


Comf RecipecomfRecipeAn analysis recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component.Goo

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