Name | _name | A text name for your NoMass Opaque Material. | Goo |
Roughness | _roughness_ | A text value that indicated the roughness of your material. This can be either "VeryRough", "Rough", "MediumRough", "MediumSmooth", "Smooth", and "VerySmooth". The default is set to "Rough". | Goo |
R Value | _R_Value | A number representing the R-Value of the material in m2-K/W. | Goo |
Therm Absp | _thermAbsp_ | An number between 0 and 1 that represents the thermal abstorptance of the material. The default is set to 0.9, which is common for most non-metallic materials. | Goo |
Sol Absp | _solAbsp_ | An number between 0 and 1 that represents the abstorptance of solar radiation by the material. The default is set to 0.7, which is common for most non-metallic materials. | Goo |
Vis Absp | _visAbsp_ | An number between 0 and 1 that represents the abstorptance of visible light by the material. The default is set to 0.7, which is common for most non-metallic materials. | Goo |